Advice For Passengers On Dolphin Mischief

For Your Comfort & Enjoyment
We want you to enjoy your experience aboard Dolphin Mischief. It’s likely to be one of the more exciting and bracing things you’ll do during your visit to the Highlands.
So please! Take careful note of what I’m about to tell you.
When you look at pictures of the Dolphin Mischief RIB you’ll see that as a passenger you are open to the elements. The craft moves at speed across not just open water but seawater. Even on the warmest day in the summer, it is likely to be cold. The “wind chill” effect will see to that. Add this to the temperature of the water you’re traveling across (ie, COLD) and even the warmest-blooded passenger is likely to feel the effects over the two-hour cruise.
We provide waterproof clothing for you to wear on the trip, but we strongly recommend you bring warm clothing with you. In particular:
- A warm hat (that won’t blow off in the wind)
- Gloves
- A warm jersey or fleece
- Waterproof footwear
- Thick socks
You might want to wear sunglasses too. The glare from the water can be sore on the eyes.
Suitably equipped, you’ll have a great time.