Watching in All Weathers

Sightings in Sunshine!
The difference in weather in just a mere 24 hours can sometimes be astounding in Inverness; the past couple of days have proven this much. Yesterday, by all accounts, was a fabulous one, with sunshine all day (despite the forecast at the beginning of the week citing cloud and rain) and, even better, dolphins all day too! First thing in the morning, Charlie turned up on his own to mill around the river and hunt for some of the delicious (and large!) salmon that have been populating the Ness recently. He was there until the afternoon, where he moved out towards the ICT Stadium to join up with Kesslet and Scoopy. It is undeniable that the amount of time that those two are spending together is suspicious, and Charlie himself doesn’t seem all too pleased to be phased out in the interactions. Scoopy has even shown somewhat dominant behaviours towards Charlie, with Charlie responding in kind with clingy behaviours towards Kesslet; the poor girl must be torn between them! Regardless, when in their trio they seem to be tolerant of each other at least, and they moved back in to the Beauly Firth for some feeding before moving once again at 4pm. This time, the movement was a little more excitable, with breaching around the Kessock Bridge area! It’s certainly pleasing to see them all being so active, and one can only wonder at what it all might mean…
Spotting in Showers…
Today, on the other hand, proved far wetter than anyone had thought, with decent sprinklings of rain throughout the day into some scattered heavy spells too. But a little bit of rain doesn’t put off the Dolphin Spirit, and the dolphins certainly don’t seem to mind! In fact, with the recent sunshine the salmon have had a fairer chance to run the dolphin gauntlet and make it upriver; with the rain, there’s an additional force to contend with too. So with that in mind, the Dolphin Spirit set out on her spotting journey today with her eager and undaunted passengers; and boy will they be glad they braved the rain! With Kesslet and Scoopy around today, it was another great day (regardless of the weather) to be out on the water! The pair were a little more sedate, but spotted later in the evening too enjoying some quiet time together as well as breaching and hunting actively between the harbour and river. Long may this spate of activity continue!