The Three Amigos

Our Big, Big Three
We’re always referring to the “Big 3” here at Dolphin Spirit, in reference to the 3 mammals often spotted out on our trips; otters, seals, and of course, dolphins. Well, while we had two of three spotted today, we certainly had an altogether different Big 3 out on the water, in the form of three of our big dolphins! At 10am, we headed out of the marina to be instantly greeted by a playful Charlie, who came over to see us and give a brief bow-riding escort out of the river! He left us not too long after, but mum Kesslet was on hand to fill his place, hunting successfully out in the rough channel at North Kessock. We watched her surf the waves with grace and ease, her mouth snapping open and shut as she struggled with her catch just under the surface. We left them to it, heading out under the bridge, only to return to the marina later on and meet Kesslet again, who had a brief game of chases with us as she hunted in the river. She later had a mad moment of activity, surface rushing around the entrance to the marina chasing fish; splashing our onlooking guide in the process as she watched nearby on the quayside! With fish in mouth she headed out after son Charlie, who had been under the bridge earlier. Scoopy was spotted on his own at 12pm, clearly feeling like he was missing out as he charged through the waves by the ICT Stadium. He swept underneath our bow and disappeared off towards Kilmuir, seemingly on the chase after his friends!
A Mischievous Bunch!
Dolphin Mischief had a successful, if bumpy, day too! Dolphins were spotted on both trips out today, some frolicking and getting excited out in Fortrose Bay in the shallow waters. They bounced and breached as the RIB scooted by nearby. Another excitable group caught up with them at Fort George on the 12pm trip, joining them for a joyride out into the deeper waters of the Outer Firth. At 3.30pm, it was a more scattered affair, with hunting dolphins left, right, and centre around Chanonry Point, much to the delight of our passengers. Unfortunately due to the weather, this weekend’s Mischief trips have been pulled over safety concerns with the oncoming rain and wind, but be sure to join us when the weather clears up! Dolphin Spirit should still be running as scheduled.