Super Start to September

A Tale of Two Months
August saw the end of the most unpredictable month we’ve had in pretty much the entire three years Dolphin Spirit has been in operation. For better or for worse, we could never tell what we were going to see one trip to the next, never mind one day to the next! As the month came to a close, the dolphins all seemed to mysteriously vanish from the firth over the last couple of days; Chanonry was quiet, the river was barren, and as far as Findhorn there wasn’t a fin to be seen. While some days the dolphins were a little further up the coast, sometimes they were in the Cromarty Firth, and others they were just gone. It certainly kept in line with the theme of August, where before we had big groups making a visit just because. With September starting to make its presence felt in the form of some spectacular weather over the past couple of days, it’s certainly brightened up on the dolphin front too, with sightings a little more regular once again and even the otters and seals coming out to play in a major way!
Sunshine to Start
While September also saw a return of the dolphins, it saw a brief return to the guiding stage for Sue and a full-time return to guiding for end of season guide Raymond! With a long summer off to enjoy a break, Raymond returns to see the season out alongside Krystyna! With his teacher head still very much screwed onto his shoulders, Raymond is sure to give you an educational experience like no other; fun, a giggle, and learning without realizing! His classroom assistants of late have been Kesslet and Charlie, who have returned over the past couple of days to mill around and hunt back in their usual haunts after a bit of social sabbatical. We’re hoping to see a little more of them as the month goes on, perhaps with the allure of salmon returning to the sea as the season comes to an end for the fish. We will certainly just have to wait and see, but it’s starting off well for sure!