Seriously Snoopy Seals

A Dull Day Can’t Dampen Our (Dolphin) Spirit!
It might not have been as nice weather-wise today as it was yesterday, but a little bit of grey never hurt anyone (especially not if that grey is dolphin-shaped!). We had a fair few grey things floating around the firth today, including Kesslet, who finally managed to see past her expanding waistline to come and see us today (seems like the dolphins’ idea of a beach body is somewhat different to ours). On the 10am Dolphin Spirit sailing, Kesslet was found under the bridge for a first time in a while, traipsing about until the boat came along and gave her something to do. She gave quite the hello, getting in nice and close, before playing tease again and dashing off. There’s no doubt that Charlie doesn’t get his mischievous attitude from her! After a somewhat exciting day yesterday for young Charlie, however, he was a bit of a no-show today. Probably sleeping at all kinds of silly hours like the teenager he’s becoming!
Sociable Seals
It wasn’t just Kesslet getting up close and personal with the Dolphin Spirit today either; our sightings of seals were pretty terrific too. At 12pm and 2pm the local mum’s group was out sunbathing on the mudflats, quite possibly getting ready for the pupping season with a bit of moulting. Seals will often sit out of the water for extended periods to allow their old fur to drop off, keeping them not only looking fresh, but hydrodynamic too. A few other seals were also out on the water looking for lunch, including a very curious little individual who approached the boat and stayed at surface long enough for our passengers to get a good look and a few pictures too. Grey seals tend to be the boldest when out swimming, and will follow alongside quite the thing, but our harbour seals can be just as inquisitive when they surface and will sometimes stare at the boat for long periods before diving again. Some of the younger seals have even done this with fish in their mouths, almost as if they’re showing off! And speaking of showing off, we will need to keep our eyes peeled for some of the males breaching the water like dolphins! We saw it a couple of times last season, very late out of breeding season from some of the youngsters, but if there’s any time for some showboating it will be now!