Kesslet Capers

Swimming Solo
So after a couple of terrible days with computer issues, I’m finally back and able to update you on the wonderful things we’ve been getting to see over the past few days (in between some weird weather to boot!). Over the weekend we spotted the Lady of the Ness, Kesslet herself, getting a serious feed on around the river mouth and Kessock Channel area. Strangely, unlike the last month or so, Kesslet was on her own. No Charlie, Scoopy, or any other finned friends in sight. Considering the size and number of fish being caught by Kesslet, it’s a wonder that she was on her own; perhaps the recent poor fishing in the Ness area had put Charlie off coming down to join her. Whatever the reason, the quiet company allowed plenty of time for the lady to do her thing, and what a show she put on. Over the afternoon we spent with Kesslet on Saturday alone, she caught 3 salmon of a relatively good size. She put on quite the display just outside of the marina; chasing her prey with huge surface rushes and quick dives, and waggling her catch around afterwards as if showing it off. Despite eating like an absolute pig that afternoon, she still managed to look gorgeous in the glittery sunlight glaring off the water’s surface; there isn’t a moment where she doesn’t wow us!
Big Boat Bowride
Kesslet was around for more than just hunting too, as later on in the week she was spotted catching a (bow) ride from the Scot Pioneer, one of the large cargo vessels leaving Inverness Harbour. The huge bulbs on the front of these boats create great waves for the dolphins to surf on and play about in, and Kesslet is no stranger to fun. She also played around in the bow waves of some of the smaller boats moving around, in particular the little fishing vessels, who despite their size, always seem to produce big, hearty waves that draw the dolphins in like moths to a flame. Showing what the multi-tasker she is, Kesslet even managed this while toying with a salmon! What a girl! With Kesslet coming down on her own all of a sudden, we can but wonder where her usual partner in crime is, and what we might find her up to the next time we see her! We’ve also been experiencing some unpredictable weather of late, with some trips cancelled due to strong winds; hopefully that too will calm out over the week… if not, prepare for a bit of a bumpy ride!