A Bumper Dolphin Day

A New Sighting for the Dolphin Spirit!
Every day, every sailing, is different at Dolphin Spirit, as you just never know who or what may appear on each trip, and that certainly was the case today. Our 10 am sailing got a real treat, with a fleeting visit from Kesslet as she darted past us at Meikle Mee (heading upriver of course, as usual), and then encountering another group of dolphins around Munlochy Bay! In this group were another two of the WDC Adopt-A-Dolphin stars, Moonlight and Mischief. Mischief (who our RIB is named after, pictured diving above) was pretty serene today, happy to just cruise alongside with Moonlight and her calf. We’ve had Mischief with us before, as part of another big group (made up of several members of the infamous “Bad Boys’ Club”) where he was active and showing off, so it was nice to see this calmer side to him too today. We’ve never had Moonlight with us before, so this sighting was a real surprise, made doubly special by getting to see her calf with her too! Kesslet was kind enough to make another appearance at the end of the trip too, to make up for her rude behaviour earlier!
Another Successful Trip for Dolphin Mischief!
Dolphin Mischief (the boat, not the dolphin!), also managed to get out today and had a great time cruising up to Chanonry Point at 12.30 pm. It was a very dull day weather-wise, and skipper George exclaimed that the dolphins looked very menacing, as the low light made them seem jet-black in the water. They encountered another curious group up near the point, though we haven’t had a chance to sit down and do any ID work yet so it could be the same group Dolphin Spirit encountered that morning. That would be very interesting though, as we’re just dying to get a shot of Mischief (the dolphin!) with our Mischief (the RIB!).
If you haven’t yet, you should check out our video and pictures from today’s awesome 10 am sailing! While you’re there, Like and Follow our Facebook page to see more and keep up to date with all our exciting sightings and various other cool galleries and contests!